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HiPath Cordless IP Base Station V1 R1.4.0 removed from SEBA.



FYI: SIEMENS Development removed from SEBA the HiPath Cordless IP Base Station V1 R1.4.0 (24.08.2009) application software (CIP-BS-10.15, Platform V0.16.0 and Application V3.27.04): this action (immediate withdrawn) was due to a bug discovered just after the application software was released into SEBA.

In the meantime, previous one, the HiPath Cordless IP V1.0 R1.3.0 (26.06.2009) application software (CIP-BS-10.14, Platform V0.16.0 and Application V3.27.03), is going to remain the latest one recommended for use at customer site.

Best regards,


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