Author Topic: Released Vyatta VC4.1 (Hollywood) Beta 3  (Read 22334 times)

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Released Vyatta VC4.1 (Hollywood) Beta 3
« on: August 26, 2008, 04:19:08 pm »
Currently, VC4.1 (Hollywood) is at the Beta 3 milestone. This version is suitable for non-critical production use. Please put it through the ringer and report any bugs before the final release. This is the last beta release planned before VC4.1 (Hollywood) is released.

New in this release:

The major new features in this release, since VC4.0, include:
    * Fixes a couple of critical issues found during Beta 2. In particular, the installation of Beta 2 would cause issues in the system GRUB menu and had a problem with sudo permissions. Both of these issues are fixed.
    * Experimental: Intrusion Detection and Prevention
    * Experimental: Anti-virus
    * Increased support for SNMP MIBs and traps.
    * We added 'copy' and 'rename' commands to configuration mode. These commands should make it far easier for people to manage large lists as part of the configuration. Firewall and NAT rules are the two obvious examples that have been most problematic in the past. You can find more detail about the commands in the enhancement request.
    * BGP MD5 support has been added. See bug 2661 for more information.
    * Support for the Sangoma S518 ASDL card including configuration mode CLI.
    * Integrated drivers for the Sangoma A142 (dual-port) and A144 (quad-port) serial cards, providing X.21 and V.35 interfaces. Currently, only the drivers have been integrated. The CLI to configure the cards is not present and the cards must be configured directly in Linux.
    * More than 240 issues resolved.

For more informations read the original announcement here .

« Last Edit: March 29, 2009, 12:33:59 pm by fastbyte »
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