HiPath / HiCom => HiPath - 3000 / 5000 => Topic started by: jnzy111 on March 12, 2012, 08:33:04 pm
Hello All!
We have a Hipath 3000 that I just cant seem to get caller id working properly..
I use Manager-E software and under System View --> Sys Parameters --> Display, I have 3 choices;
1. Calling ID only
2. Name (If available)
3. Name and Calling ID
When I set it to either 1 or 3, it seems the other side (external call) always gets "Blocked" or "Restricted"
Am I missing something?
BTW - I found the resolution to this.. The problem was originating from phones, users somehow got in there and changed a setting called "Supress Caller ID" turned it off and caller id working..