Ciao Lucky,
da quel che so il CDR viene esportato solo in formato compresso (a differenza di quel che avviene in HiPath 3000) che, tra l'altro, viene utilizzato dall'Accounting Manager.
CDR Output Format
An OpenScape Office CDR contains several fields for specific data of the call. Fields are delimited by the " | " sign. The field content is filled with the appropriate information of the call. If information for a field is missing, a “blank” sign is inserted instead.
Più precisamente:
Compressed and Uncompessed Output Format
OpenScape Office supports only the “Compressed” output format. Coding is done in ASCII 8-Bit in general
Compressed Format
The fields are delimited by a | sign.
The end of a CDR is indicated by CR LF (carriage return, line feed)
Examples (Compressed Format):
- Example n°1 “Output LCR number ... is set
- Example n°2 “Output LCR number ... is not set
Uncompressed Format
The uncompressed format as known from HiPath 3000, where unavailable information and missing characters are replaced by blanks, is not supported by OpenScape Office.
If the “Uncompressed” format is chosen within the administration the CDR output is done in compressed format nevertheless, but with following differences to “Compressed” format:
1. The first line of the Output file contains the field meaning in plain ASCII.
2. Only fields 1 to 13 (not US) are available within the CDR.
3. The uncompressed format cannot be processed by the Accounting Manager of OpenScape Office
Examples (Uncompressed Format):
- Example n°1 “Output LCR number ... is set
- Example n°2 “Output LCR number ... is not set
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Saluti, Kimera.