Author Topic: How can I stablish a comunication wiht my PC and a siemens hicom 150e  (Read 13267 times)

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Offline SujaMM

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I'm working with a Siemens Hicom 150 office and I need to configurated it but I'm having problems ussing the HiPath 3000 to do it. I have the cable to connect the pc to the device but I can't transmit anything

Does any  one knows more about this topic. I'm not sure I am ussing the ritght username and password.

Please if anyone that has done this before can help me it will be great.



Offline Alessandro - Telcom

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Re: How can I stablish a comunication wiht my PC and a siemens hicom 150e
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2014, 09:37:17 pm »
Hi Suja,
what type of 150E Office? One, point, com, pro? Do you have the right cable? Did u use the right Baudrate? If user/passw is wrong, system answer "Login failed".
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