Author Topic: Software Development for HOO (EE, ME, LE)  (Read 22013 times)

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Software Development for HOO (EE, ME, LE)
« on: March 26, 2009, 04:24:34 pm »
Within the project HiPath OpenOffice (HOO) Siemens Enterprise Networks makes a new application platform available. The HiPath OpenOffice ME as "Unified Communications Appliance" has the distinction of serving as a hardware and interface platform for many applications.
Furthermore it enables the community to develop user-specific applications that are customized to the needs of the users and usergroups. These applications are developed among others by partners, which run the HiPath OpenOffice ME using it's services.
Connecting the communication platform and customized applications, processes will be optimized and customer relations improved, which achieves a maximization of profit for the users of the solution.
This SDK provides all required information and tools to develop applications based on the platform HiPath OpenOffice.

G-Server SDK
The G-Server SDK is your key to access the documentation, tools and resources needed to develop innovative applications for the HiPath platforms.
If you are an application developer or IT integrator that would like to build a specialized application to improve a business process or offer a value-added service for your organization or a customer's organization, you have come to the right place!
The G-Server is a SOA based software solution for easy and convenient integration of communication features into any application.
It is a hardware independent, open and scalable interface for future proof applications. It enables any application to be connected easily with HiPath Open Office ME, HiPath Open Office EE and HiPath 3000. Fast and easy integration of communication features in any application keeps you from wasting time and resources for complex design and testing. Shift your focus from code-development to business-development.
The G-Server provides web-based features, which have been offered only in the upper price-range. Now the integration of these features gets available for everyone at low cost and high functionality.
The features consist of the framework support features and the infrastructure features.

G-Server Wiki:
CODE Samples:
« Last Edit: March 26, 2009, 04:51:03 pm by fastbyte »
SOCP Consultant OpenScape Voice & UC Application + SOCA Consultant OpenScape Voice & UC Application + SOCA Sales - Large Account Business (LAB)
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