Author Topic: In rilascio HiPath OpenOffice ME V1 R2.2.6 (092) in eeQA  (Read 12695 times)

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In rilascio HiPath OpenOffice ME V1 R2.2.6 (092) in eeQA
« on: August 29, 2008, 02:35:59 pm »
Salve a tutti,

con la R2.2.6 è in arrivo un'altra Hot Fix Release per HiPath OpenOffice ME V1, questo rilascio avviene dopo il precedente R2.2.5 (089a): entrambi sono eeQA.

Ecco un elenco dei Bugs corretti con questa R2.2.6 (092):

NA03406666: Intermittent door opener doesn't work
NA03495588: Factory update does not finish finally (Minor Release R2 only)
NA03487633: Update fails, if updatecheck is executed during update
NA03377607: Rule (External) for CLIR-Call does not work
NA03473637: UK: HiPath OpenOffice froze completely while programming extension
NA03473999: UK: System restart occured
NA03390522: caller via mouse to busy subcriber

Mentre questo è un elenco dei Bugs corretti con la R2.2.5 (089a):

NA03397068: UK: Incorrect CCV Routing on Amended CCV
NA03456077: Outlook shown hieroglyphics on incoming call

« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 02:39:21 pm by Kimera »
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