Hi Bertram is there possibility to test the software (demo) without purchasing? If not what is the price for base demo package?
P.S. Its really nice to see posts/news directly from development companys...
regular pricing of the g-Sec is 995,- Euro with 4 licenses for cameras and 4 Openstage Videoclients. Maximum of 16 video clients is possible. Additional clients are priced at 59,- Euro each.
g-Sec XL with 12 camera licenses and 4 Openstage clients, with a maximum of 24 clients is priced at 1995,- Euro.
We offer a demo-system for partners and resellers with 4 camera licenses and 4 Openstage licenses for 611,- Euro.
For 695,- Euro we offer the Demo including a LAN/WLAN IP camera certified with this solution.
Best regards